January 23, 2017 – Bains Law Firm

Domestic Violence Protection Order: Protection orders in Domestic Violence cases generally
involve parties who were married, in a dating relationship, domestic partners,
cohabitants or relatives of some kind.
Victims of domestic violence can obtain protection from future physical
harm, threats, stalking (including cyberstalking), being kept under
surveillance and having no contact with the other party. Protection can also include exclusive use of
a residence and keeping the responding party away from the home, workplace and
school. A common misperception is that
some sort of assault or arrest has had to take recently place, which is not
necessary to obtain a domestic violence protection order.
Family law litigation can be emotionally difficult and complex. Decisions made about each step of the litigation can affect you for many years. We have years of experience helping our clients through the difficulty of divorce and can help you through the process. Contact us today at (253) 838 – 3377 or email at office@bainslawfirm.com, to talk about your divorce.